Sunday, January 19, 2025

When the Good and the Bad Show Up Together

Have you ever had so much good and so much bad happening all at once? It’s a lot for the emotions.

You have really hard things to wade through that take up your time and energy. Things that need to be processed.  Yet at the same time, God is bringing exciting news, new phases of life, and joys into your world.

I have been there.

I’ve been in a moment where I leaned over the kitchen sink on a normal morning and felt a wave of tears overcome me - not knowing where they came from or why.

It’s the build-up.

Life takes a lot out of us. Both the good and the bad. 

It can feel like we have no control over our own lives. And we really don’t, do we? But sometimes it just hits home more than other times that that is our reality.

We seek peace.

If I’m honest, I have both yearned and longed for peace in some seasons, while in others, it has come easily and unexplainably to me. 

All I know is that I ask God to give me the strength I need to keep going. Keep trying. Keep loving. And to not be afraid to celebrate the good - even when it’s mixed right smack dab in the middle of the bad.

It’s all a part of life. And the deepest of griefs reside with the highest of joys. Together.