Sunday, May 19, 2019

For The Times When You Can't Talk to Anybody

There are times when you can’t talk to anybody. Trust me, I get it.

There are countless things we go through in life, that we don’t feel we can talk to anyone else about. Things that weigh so heavily on our hearts - but aren’t things other people will understand or even “get.”

So much of the spiritual warfares we go through are PERSONAL.  Whether they are marital disagreements that wage themselves over our hearts for years, or emotional battles - we go through things that other people may find silly. They may not agree with our position.

We feel so very alone.

I’ve been there. I think we all have.  We don’t want to air our dirty laundry out in public, yet we’re not quite sure we’re at a position where we need counseling, therapy, or medical intervention.

Regardless, the tears are close to our eyes; the burden weighs heavy on our hearts.

In these times, I cling to my God - with a fierce grip. I seek His face, His strength, and His wisdom and discernment.

I talk to Him A LOT. (And I should be talking to Him A LOT every day, anyways.) But I talk to Him A LOT in these moments and seasons.

I ask God to help me somehow be reasonable in how I’m seeing and dealing with things. To give me perspective - and in cases where needed, to give my spouse or children perspective. To help us land on the same page.

I ask Him for help. Because I don’t have any answers.

And then I step through my day. One foot at a time.

Our God… MY God is a BIG God. And He knows all of these personal battles that wreck us. We may not have a clue how to navigate them - but He does. And so I trust in that.

I’ve been through some heavy-duty battles in my life. And I’ve learned things don’t always go the way I think they should go. This scares me when I’m waging a new hurt in my life and heart. But I’ve also learned that I will survive. 


With God’s help, there will be a new day. A new dawn. And I will get through whatever the ‘thing’ is.

So, I get it. There are times where we just feel like an island in the world. Like we can’t go to anyone else, and we are walking through something all by ourselves.

And you know what? You are….. and you aren’t.

Humanly, you may be. No one else may have ever dealt with what you are dealing with. But spiritually and emotionally? You are NEVER alone. God is right there with you.

Things may seem unfair. One-sided. Overwhelming. Targeted. But God has you tenderly in His arms. He will work things out for your best interests. He will make sure you are able to come out on the other side. 

It will still hurt. Sting. The tears may fall easily and often. But friend, God knows. He sees you. He sees me. He knows what we are going through.

So keep walking. Keep seeking. Keep praying.

Keep asking for wisdom, discernment, joy, and peace. 

And He will wipe away your tears, and replace them with strength.

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