Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Those OTHER Fears


A lot of times, when people refer to ‘dealing with fears’ they are talking about tangible fears. Things like..

  • Being afraid of heights.
  • Being afraid of the water.
  • Being afraid of snakes, spiders, or bugs.
  • Being afraid of flying.

But what about those OTHER fears? Those ones that we all carry within us… but don’t really talk about?

  • The fear of being laughed at.
  • The fear of making the wrong decision.
  • The fear of not being understood.
  • The fear of being rejected.
  • The fear of being ugly?

There are SO many fears and insecurities that we carry with us daily, that affect our choices, or lack thereof.

We can’t even decide where to go eat dinner with a group, or what movie to see. We don’t accept friendships because we’re afraid to open up. And we never go out without that name brand shirt, or having our makeup and hair completely done.

We are afraid of ourselves.

Add these, on TOP of the natural fears that a lot of people have of heights, or flying… and you have a crippled society.

So why not try one brave thing today? One brave thing that to someone else, may come so naturally?

  • Try to speak up in a group if you normally stay quiet.
  • Try to invite someone over to your house and LEAVE a little dust or a dish out. 
  • Try to give your opinion in a kind, gentle way.
  • Try to admit you made a mistake.

And watch.

If you’re around the right kind of people, they will affirm you. They will forgive you. They will give you grace and mercy. They will listen and consider. 

They will accept.


Because they want that same kind of acceptance. They understand those same kinds of fears.

They. Are. Just. Like. You.

If we’d only allow ourselves to be human, we’d see how relatable we all really are to each other.

It’s ok to have fears. We all have them. But don’t let them cripple you. Don’t let them hold you back from enjoying life and RELAXING in who God made you to be.

Those OTHER fears? It’s time to start ruling over them…. Instead of letting them, rule over you.

Sunday, February 17, 2019

God Will Not Overlook What You Have Done For Him

Everyone has those days when they wonder if what they are doing is doing any good at all. It’s so easy to get discouraged and frustrated at times. It can feel like you are spinning your wheels doing so much ‘stuff’ that doesn’t really make an eternal impact.

Satan is so good at stealing our joy and purpose. We are easily distracted by disgruntled and unappreciative people in our lives. Most of us have a lot of responsibility on our shoulders, and it is so easy to feel overwhelmed with all of those weights and responsibilities we feel that we have.

Everyone has those days. Everyone gets down sometimes and feels like they aren’t valued and that they don’t matter. The thing is, you DO matter. You ARE valued. Very much so!

 “God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.”  Hebrews 6:10

God sees the work you are doing. He sees your motives and the pureness of heart you carry with you for the people you serve and lead. He knows your frustrations and all of the effort you put into leading and loving those people that He’s placed in your life.  

Don’t give up. Don’t quit. Keep giving your 100%. Keep maintaining that honor and integrity. Continue to love those God has placed in front of you. He sees your work. He won’t overlook your passion to use your gifts for Him and He won’t forget about you. He sees every last detail, and His hand is moving with you and for you, even now.

Discouragement may come. Frustrations may flitter in and out of your days. Distractions come about, and people will criticize what you do. It’s part of the cost of the call in being a leader. Just continue to be faithful to the Lord in the position He’s given you. And He will be faithful to you.

**Originally published HealthyLeaders.com Jan 2014

Friday, February 8, 2019

Let the Sun Shine.....

It's such a treat for me, when I get to meet my readers. And Cynthia over at cynthiacano.org treated me the other day, when she let me know that she not only reads my blog, she nominated it for a Sunshine Blogger Award.

Cynthia wants to know the following questions about me. So, I'm answering for her, but hoping you learn and enjoy from my answers, as well!

1. Where are you from?   I was born and raised in Oregon. Yes, the beautiful Pacific Northwest. I lived in Las Vegas for two fantastic years after high school, returned to Oregon, then ended up in Idaho for 15 years with my husband. I currently reside in Texas, where I thank God all the time for bringing me. Because I LOVE IT HERE.

2. Besides blogging, what do you like to do in your spare time!   Shop. :) And believe me, the spare time to shop is less and less these days! And travel. I'm not a fan of long overseas flights, but I love exploring a new locale. (Preferably not a cold one.)

3.  What was your favorite Bible story as a child?  What is it now?  Wow. I don't think I've ever been asked this question! I think as a child, I mostly loved the story of Mary and how she became the mother of Jesus. And now, I think, it would be the story of Esther. How a woman is thrust into a situation that is uncomfortable and overwhelming. A position where she must have felt so terribly alone at times, and yet God uses her faithfulness in an extraordinary and powerful way.

4. When and why did you get started on blogging?  I was running a newsletter for moms along with a discussion group when blogging first became BIG. I thought it would be a great extension of all of that. But after many years, I discontinued the newsletter and group - and continued to write the blog more as a way to share what God was teaching me on my journey in life, and to let others know they weren't alone in what they were feeling or thinking. To encourage; basically.

5. What's been your best experience with blogging so far?  Hearing someone say God used what I wrote to speak to them. 

6.  What is your niche and how did you come about that?   First, I said I was a mom blogger. As I evolved with my writing and in my faith, I labeled myself as a faith blogger. Then a faith and family blogger. As I expanded into ministering on facebook and curating encouraging things from others - I realized my niche is three-fold. Faith yes. But it's more about encouragement, character, and identity. I feel very strongly about character - and that is wrapped up in who people are - and who they THINK they are.

7. How long have you been serving Christ for?  All of my life. I think people "label" serving Christ into things like being a Sunday School teacher, teaching Bible Study, or working in ministry. All GREAT. All are indeed acts of service out of a heart that loves the Lord. But to me, serving Christ is also being honest in my day-to-day life. Being compassionate to someone who is hurting. Being a loving and faithful mama who teaches my children about the Lord. Praying over those my heart is burdened for. Having integrity, even when no one is watching. And loving people. Not just HIS people. But showing love to ALL people.

8. If you could turn back time, what's one thing you would change or do better?   Ok. I had answers to this written down, then I deleted all of that. Because, of course, there are always little things we would change. But the biggest thing I'd change is to speak my mind more (in gentleness) and establish healthy boundaries in my life earlier on. Instead of just trying to keep the peace all of the time, or please others. I may be in my late 40's - but I'm finally learning to do this. Learning at an earlier age would have been so much easier!

9. What are some of your favorite books?   I do like to read. And I used to LOVE to read. But now with my social media work for two nonprofits, and my own writing, I just don't have time to read a lot for pleasure. And in my spare time, looking at more words isn't always what I want to do. :) But, I'd have to say over the years some of my favorite books would be..."Why Christian Kids Rebel" by Tim Kimmel, "Out of Captivity," the true story of three American's captured by the FARC in Columbia, Hinds Feet on High Places, novels by Lori Wick, Heaven by Randy Alcorn, and Bible Studies by Beth Moore.

10.  Share one word of advice for new bloggers.   Be yourself! Talk about what you enjoy and love - not what you think will bring in many followers and readers. What you are passionate about is where you will flourish. Love rocks? Blog about rocks! Love your baby? Blog about your baby! Struggling with finances or weight? Blog about that! There will be people out there who resonate with your topics. 


And lastly, don't write too long. People have a short attention span. A 30 minute post isn't going to be read or finished by most. So keep it on the shorter side.

Thank you again. Cynthia. I am thankful to have you as a reader, as well as those of you whom I've never talked to.

~ Dionna