What energizes you?
What inspires you to be a better person?
What moments in your life, bring a smile to your face, and warmth that radiates in your heart and soul?
What moments in your life, bring a smile to your face, and warmth that radiates in your heart and soul?
Who in your life, make you feel better about yourself?
What kind of weather, puts a ‘skip in your step?’
What passions, make you feel like you have something to contribute to this world?
What hobbies, help you relax?
Do more of THAT.
Let more of THOSE people in your life.
Recall THOSE precious moments and memories.
Move to THAT kind of place.
Yes. Do more of THAT. Be more of THAT. Love more of THAT.
Often the very things that make us feel more alive, get shoved out of the way in the name of “duty,” and “obligation.”
Often, those who we love the most, pull and tug on us into THEIR “that.” But it’s not ours.
It was never meant to be.
A people pleaser, is not a God pleaser. I’m learning that. And God gifted us in certain ways for certain reasons.
Use those gifts. Enjoy those passions. Partake in those moments.
They are for you. And in them, you will truly be the you, you were meant to be.