There is a lot of talk
about going outside of your comfort zone. I hear people say that you can
only truly experience God, when you go outside of your comfort zone. That good
things usually happen, outside of your comfort zone. Why going outside of your
comfort zone, is so important… and more. Lots more.
I get the quotes on my facebook page, and the comments on my
twitter feed. And something inside of me usually revolts, and shouts, “no!”
Because I disagree.
Although, I do think it’s very important to shake things up
in our lives sometimes, so that we don’t get stuck in a rut, and so that we can
continue to feel excitement for things – I don’t necessarily agree that you
have to go outside of your comfort zone to do that.
I’ll tell you why.
God made us as we are.
He made us with our unique personalities, our “bents,” and our giftings. For a reason.
The Bible says to, “Come as you are.” It doesn’t say, to come as someone else. And if you have to go outside of your comfort zone to do something, maybe that’s not what you should be doing!
I do think there are times where God stirs something in our
souls, and convicts us to move in a way that maybe we wouldn’t have 5 or 10
years ago. To me, that’s different. We also change. We change with what we go
through in life, and how things affect us. So that change, may influence us to
do something that maybe would have been outside of our comfort zone previously.
BUT, and it’s a big “BUT” for me…. I think those are the exceptions.
For me, I feel like I truly flourish and grow when I’m
working WITHIN my comfort zone. When I’m doing something I’m truly gifted at,
something I love. That’s when I feel true joy and happiness. I can push myself
to be better without having to stress about it, because it’s something I know I
want to improve at, or an area I want to grow in. And it’s all IN my comfort
An introvert will
never be an extrovert. They weren’t made that way.
A smart technological
geek will never be a sports athlete.
We have our giftings for a reason. And we should seek to
grow, learn, improve, and stretch ourselves inside of those areas of giftings. WITHOUT FEELING GUILT about it.
I see the heart of those who try to push us outside of our
comfort zones. We all desire to see people reach for more in life, instead of
sitting in the “afraid” and “alone at home” zone. But, to me, there are just
some flaws in this way of thinking. Unless you are convicted, and truly stirred
to move in a certain way for your life, the puzzle pieces just won’t fit.
Everything will feel wrong, and the attempt at doing something that is not you,
will be a disaster.
So, learn what your comfort zone is. It’s probably a bigger
circle than you think. Explore the things that bring you joy, and the things
that you are good at; and work on expanding them little by little. And I think
you will find that your comfort zone expands in the process.
In the meantime, just enjoy being YOU. You are a gift. And you were created as you are for a reason. Don’t let
anyone talk you into being someone else; someone that THEY think you should be.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this subject. Leave me a
comment below, and let me know if you agree or disagree.