Well, we’ve been Texas residents for about a month now. I
have so much to learn but I’ve already noticed quite a few things that are
different than the northwest.
The roads here have what are called “turnarounds.” You can’t
always just cross a major road if you want to visit, say, a store on the
opposite side of the street. No. You have to go up the road then into a median
area where you “turn around” and go back on the other side to the place you
wanted. It’s kind of a pain sometimes, but I’m starting to get the hang of it.
Grocery Stores.
I had the choice of Fred Meyer, Winco, Walmart, Costco, or
Albertson’s to shop for groceries. Here, you have Walmart and Costco. There is
also a Target superstore. But the main grocery store? H.E.B. And H.E.B. alone. I’m
trying to learn the layout of the store and also figure out what brands to buy,
as they have brands I’ve never heard of!
I’ve yet to find Gallo salami here in Texas and that’s the only kind my
daughter likes.

And mosquitos. I made the mistake one night of hanging out
in my car while my daughter went to youth group. I had made a picnic dinner and
was going to work on my computer. The windows were open and it was a nice warm
night. I’ve often sat in the car in the Northwest with my car windows open. Big
mistake in Texas. I know of at least 4-5 mosquitos that flew into my car. You
guessed it. Within two days I had quite a few mosquito bites – one in
particular that has itched so bad and grew to be about the size of a nickel!
Something else in Texas quite likes to bite me as well. I’m not sure if it’s
mosquitos or what – but every few days I find a little bite that itches like
crazy. No fun.
The last three weekends it has stormed. Each on a Saturday
night. I find that kind of ironic. But cool. I love thunderstorms and have
never experienced anything quite like a Texas storm! The sky just booms and
cracks and my whole room (at night) will light up when lightening strikes
across the sky. It’s very powerful. And the rain comes down in such a fierce
downpour that it’s all very captivating.
No all day drizzles here! When it decides to rain – it pours and then
it’s over.
The people.
Soooo friendly! I can’t even tell you. I don’t think I’ve
run across one rude person yet. Everyone has been so friendly. I’ve had a
“welcome wagon” lady come to my door with all sorts of brochures, magazines and
info on the area. I’ve had two neighbors welcome us into the area. I’ve had
people just, in general, be very kind. It’s refreshing.
The grass.
The grass here is so different than the grass back in Idaho
and Oregon. It’s thicker and courser. I will say the Northwest has the
advantage of gentle, lush green grass to walk around barefoot on. Not to
mention you don’t have to worry about fire ants in it!
These are my first impressions. I know I will have many more as I get out and expore the area more.
I’m always fascinated how one state can be so different than
I’m have a great time with each new discovery though.
I was nodding my head to all of these! We've been here almost a month and I couldn't agree more.
Thanks, Leah! I thought of a few more things I could've added after I posted this. What part of Texas did you just move to?
You're so right about the roads. The turnarounds take some time to get use to. I'm from the East Coast and I had to really adjust to the roads here. HEB is big grocery store here. There are also some Whole Foods sprinkled around if you're interested. I miss being able to competitively shop for groceries. Welcome to Texas!
Thanks for the welcome, Tia! I'll keep my eye open for a Whole Foods. I've never been to one before! :)
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